bikeline Radtourenbuch Tauern Cycle Path
Tauern Cycle Path
Along the Salzach, Saalach and Inn Rivers, With Tauern Loop

Kategorie: Radtourenbücher
Sprache: Englisch
Maßstab: 1:50.000
Umfang: 112 Seiten
Auflage: 1. Auflage, 2013
ISBN: 978-3-85000-423-7
Preis: EUR 10,90
Land: Österreich
Region: Salzburg
Produktcode: TRW_E
Format: 220x120 mm
Bindung: Spiralbindung
Sonstiges: Übernachtungsverzeichnis, Höhenprofile
Lieferinfo: lieferbar, erschienen 01/2013
Gesamtlänge: 320 km
Anzahl der Karten: 41
Anzahl der Ortspläne: 9


The Tauern Cycle Path takes its name from the impressive Hohen Tauern mountain range. But don’t worry, the route takes you through the flat valley of the Salzach River, where you only occasionally have to overcome gradients. On the 320 Kilometre route from the spectacular Krimml Waterfall, through the Salzburger Land and out into the alpine foreland, you will descend a total of 750 Metres. While the landscape at the start of the tour is dominated by tall, snow covered mountains, by the time you reach the lower reaches of the Salzach and Inn rivers, the extensive riparian forests come to dominate. The cultural highlight is naturally the city of Salzburg, but almost every town along the Tauern Cycle Path has its own particular charm.

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